Words & Music
Note: this workshop is only available for children (ages 12-18).
Program description: This 2-hour workshop is for aspiring young poets, songwriters, and writers of any genre who want to get inspired by music.
Program outline: Music is everywhere – from media and entertainment, to the sounds of nature, and rhythms and patterns in our daily speech. Music stimulates our creative right brain – the source of originality and creativity – and helps us access our unconscious writing state. We’ll write in response to atmospheric, inspiring soundtracks. Music will be our gateway to theme, setting, and character development. We’ll find music in words, and put words into music. No previous musical experience required.
Learning outcomes: Participants will use music as a stimulus to access intuitive writing, and deepen their enjoyment of the writing process. Through writing in response to music, they will create song lyrics, sound poetry, and prose. Writers of all genres will learn how to use music to create a fully imagined world and characters.