Button music lyrics
button with no buttonhole no shirtsleeve collar waistband epaulette cuff lip fly eye double rose-pinned lapel stiff upper breast pocket shadow button where button was
button made of wood bone plastic metal doesn’t matter as long as it’s tough this will be bloodless the prick is not the point
button as brass cross-section of a .22 cartridge remote as some other planet’s fallen sun four black spots bottomless
lost button in the road pancake-flat punctured ready for rain’s dropped stiches
button up your overcoat (you got me buttoned) mismatched button green among the red those are buttons that were his eyes button hanging by a
target arrow-pierced each orifice entrance & exit as softness is to strength as freedom is to bind as wholeness is to mend as circle is to square
Cards from the Tarot de Marseille
King of Cups
I hold a candle to your cup Is that deep blue void or full Careful don’t spill one drop can light the way for days
The Hermit
I have grown old at the crossroads waiting for you The urn is empty ashes scattered long ago How can we live unguided by love every day pacing the burial grounds trying to avoid open graves I stand at the edge and look down is that button or breadcrumb Among stubborn roots a few dead leaves
Le Pape
music is the wise man’s religion music is power music talks music is the root of all evil a good name is better than music health is better than music life’s too short to save music show me the music music makes the world go round music doesn’t grow on trees music is better than poverty anyone who’s made music has gone broke a fool and his music are soon parted put your music where your mouth is this is blood music you can bet your bottom note time is music use it or lose it if music burns a hole in your pocket put a button in it
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